It’s Elemental!
CSTEP Discussion Series on the Role of Science and Technology in Society takes students through the fundamentals of the climate crisis
What are carbon credits? What does achieving net zero entail? Why did India insist on changing the text of the Glasgow declaration to ‘phase down of coal’ instead of ‘phase out of coal’? These were some of the questions fielded by our researchers at the third edition of the CSTEP Discussion Series on the Role of Science and Technology in Society.
The series, which intends to take science to society, aims to dejargonise scientific concepts and discuss what developments in the scientific field mean for you and me, literally. Our climate team put up a virtual ‘Climate Hour’ on 30 November, where high school and undergraduate students joined an interactive session on the implications of global warming and vanishing ecosystems. They were all ears for experiential stories from ground zero, which captured the rapidly evolving landscape.